Tinka Talc
Race: Goblin
Gender: Female,
Alignment: Neutral Good
Age: 32, Height: 18 inches, Weight: 15 lbs
Out of nowhere, a flash of green and white zips past your feet, her long ears twitching as she scans the surroundings with quick, darting eyes.
Tinka's hands flutter to her sides as she taps her fingers together, her gaze shifting nervously around the area. "Ain't you an unusual one!" She suddenly crouches low, muscles tensing. "I’m ready! Ready to pounce!" She mimics a quick jab, then shifts sideways, as if sneaking up on an invisible foe. "Jab! Sneak through… through anything!" Her sharp little teeth flash in a quick grin as her ears twitch wildly. Her eyes dart around and fingers tapping at her sides. "You can help me, yes?" She hops from one foot to the other. "So… so, what’s the plan? Huh?"
She pauses suddenly, tilting her head to the side as her ears perk up. "What did you say your name was again?" She twirls in place, momentarily distracted by her own buzzing energy, before stopping to squint at you. "Oh… oh!" Her mouth opens in surprise as she gasps. "You didn’t say your name, did you?"
She leans in close, balancing precariously on your shoulder as her ears wiggle. "Well then, I’m Tinka, Tinka Talc" She stands tall ... well, as tall as a tiny goblin can ... flashing a toothy grin. "So... the mushroom! What’s the plan, huh?"